Our Tasty Saturday Get Together

Tasty Saturday 6 July 2019

So what happened on Tasty Saturday? Was it a success? Was it fun? You bet it was…

What with the Crusaders winning the Rugby (played it on the shop TV) and the buzz among the customers, we had some awesome fun.

We had a visit from Taylor from The Vape Collective too. It’s always fun with Taylor around. He is super intelligent and has a wide range of interests. Very easy to chat to. Click here for the Vape Collective

Rishaad had his normal juices on hand PLUS he gave us a sneak peak of his new juices! Shhh, it’s still a secret. It’s really good though. He went through great pains to tell us not to mention it so I won’t tell you about his new juice, the one that he will launch shortly. Shhh! Remember, The A4s Vapes Website and the A4S Vapes Facebook Page. Add them to your favourites please! It’s well worth your time.

Our First Prize Winner

Tasty Saturday First Prize Winner Mike

Never a more deserving winner. Mike went to Johannesburg and while there, his much love vape device and setup got stolen. He came into the shop and pretty much had to start from scratch. This is NOT a cheap exercise if you want some decent kit! So, given that he was the ONLY client during that particular period, he won a gift voucher. It takes away a little bit of that ouch.

Our Second Prize Winner

Tasty Saturday Second Prize Winner David

What more can a vape shop owner ask for than the chance to help a smoker say goodbye to the dreaded stinkies? David came in and bought a pod setup with some awesome juices to get himself back into the world of clean lungs, nice smells, and great tastes! We wish him well on his "Goodbye Ciggie voyage" and added a gift voucher to make his next visit a little less painful on the pocket!

Our Third Prize Winner

Tasty Saturday Third Prize Winner Vanessa

Vanessa is an E-Cig Inn regular customer. Loyal, friendly, and typically Toti. That means that they are someone you want to know and love to welcome through your door. They came juice shopping and got stuck into the A4S range with Rishaad. They were probably there for an hour or more, chatting, tasting, and buying. Besides winning a gift voucher, Rishaad also donated a juice! That’s just the way he is. Awesome fellow!

Other winners, Rishaad, and Malaeeka

Rishaad took pictures of some of the other winners included the main winner who won the R200 Voucher plus their choice of A4S Juice. He also arranged for Vape Chick 187 (Miss Malaeeka) to visit on the day. What a lovely lady. She is a vape promoter and knows her juices PLUS she loves to vape. I am sure you will see some of her posts on Facebook and Instagram too. Perhaps you can follow her? Click here for her Instagram profile

E-Cig Inn Website and E-Cig Inn Facebook Page

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