
E-Cig Inn carries a wide range of quality local and imported e-juice. We have one main caveat to what we deem acceptable. The brand needs to be honest with it’s ingredients and the manufacturer has to actually love vaping and not just feel that making an e-juice is a business. Sure it is a business but far more importantly it is an art! Good e-juice is in fact hard to find!

Choosing an e-juice

When reaching the counter, a clients smile often turns to a blank stare. So many choices, what to do? We devised a simple guide that will help you find a juice you like. From the outset, we see 5 types of juices in terms of flavour and 2 types of juices in terms of PG/VG rating.

The 5 types of juices we recognize are as follows:
  1. Fruity Juices – Apples, pears, watermelons, and more. Fruity juices are always popular and have a "big" flavour profile.
  2. Sweeties – Wine gums, boiled sweets, marshmallow and more. These also tend to have a "big" flavour profile.
  3. Deserts – You find your custards, pies, and tarts here. The juices tend to have a slightly thicker and more subtle flavour.
  4. Tobacco’s – You will always find tobacco fans. Some tobaccos mirror the real thing while others are crossovers (like a Custard Tobacco mix)
  5. Menthol and Colds – Straight menthol can be found but far more prolific are the colds. Fruit flavours and so forth with anything from cool to icy exhales.

The 2 types of VG/PG we refer to are simply the thick (80/20, 75/25, or even 70/30) versus the thinner (65/35, 60/40, or even 50/50). Thinner juices carry flavour more easily but can hit your throat a bit. Thicker juices give more vapour, can be a bit smoother, and offer flavour more gently. Thinner e-juices are suitable for the smaller (and higher ohm) devices whereas the thicker e-juices marry up to the more powerful devices and seen on our vaping hardware page.

We are blessed to have amazing local e-juice vendors! Juices range in price from as little as R140 per bottle to nearly R1000 per bottle. The normal sizes available are 30ml, 60ml, 100ml, and 120ml. You will usually find 0mg, 2mg, 3mg, 4mg, 5mg, and 6mg in the thicker juices. You are likely to find 12mg, 18mg, 20mg, 25mg, 35mg, and even 50mg in the thinner juices.

Nicotine Salt vs Freebase Nicotine

Well now, nicotine salt is a newer innovation where the nicotine is chemically adapted to be ph neutral. Freebase nicotine is slightly off ph and burns the throat. Nicotine salt allows the user to use much higher nicotine levels without the burning throat. Beware though, you absorb nicotine salt way more efficiently. Vaping too high a nicotine strength, especially with an overpowered device, can lead to a solid overdose of nicotine leaving you dazed and ill. That is NOT a desired result!

Local E-Juice

E-Cig Inn buys local juices from vendors who have been making juice for a long time. We favour local vendors who are based in KZN but of course, we still carry those e-juices manufactured elsewhere that can simply not be forgotten!

We are blessed to have some of the top juice crafters in South Africa living here on our KZN doorstep. Some might say that they are setting the pace! We have our own juice line and have faithfully tried to keep to the very high standards set by our friends and competitors.

Local juices are almost always manufactured using imported concentrates. The Crafters Code uses only imported concentrates and Pharmaceutical Grade additives. Nicotine used locally is usually a 99% pure variant that is FDA (USA) approved. Some juices do contain additives like Diacetyl but the bottles do contain appropriate warnings. The main reason for using Diacetyl or other similar compounds is of course the need to create a flavour. The Crafters Code features some of the very best Custard Blends out there. A good Custard needs the depth that a concentrate containing diacetyl offers! Simple, use it or don’t use it. Don’t ever lie about it being there! We love the juices. 6 years on and still no cough. Much better than 45 per day and a permanent cough in our pre-vaping days!

Imported E-Juice

While we are big fans of our local juices we still import and keep a range of imported juices. The problem of course is the dollar/rand and the fact that shipping fees increase the juices prices too. The USA, UK, and Malaysia are the only provider of imported juices that we sell. There are dozens of laboratories to buy from so they do have access to more flavours than we do. That said, it is our opinion that our juice manufacturers are every bit as good as their offshore counterparts. Maybe they are even better!